❓ What are the experience rates on Max-WoW?
✅ Our server offers an experience rate of x7, allowing you to level up faster while still enjoying the game’s progression.
❓ What is the crafting rate on the server?
✅ The crafting rate is set to x5, meaning you will craft items five times faster than on a normal server.
❓ How fast can I gain reputation?
✅ Reputation gains are set to x5, so you can reach exalted status with your favorite factions much quicker.
❓ What are the item drop rates on Max-WoW?
✅ Our drop rates are balanced for a fun and rewarding experience:
❓ I'm having trouble logging in. What should I do?
✅ If you encounter login issues, try manually setting your realmlist to:
set realmlist www.max-wow.com
set realmlistport 8085
❓ What features does Max-WoW offer?
✅ We provide SoloCraft, AI PlayerBots, and many more perks to enhance your gameplay!
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